Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wicker Park-My Kinda Neighborhood

There's something about Wicker Park, it always makes me feel as if I've fallen upon a slightly magical sub-reality.  Yet unlike Disneyland, hip hop beats are bumping on the streets, there's a beautiful imperfection in the amount of decay on many of the buildings, interesting and rather artsy graffiti is around every corner.  Other than on intensely frigid days, there's also the constant hum of cycling chains as bikers roll down the streets.  
The "look" of Wicker Parkians is creative balanced with a very Midwestern mentality of not trying to create a "look."  However, unlike much of the rest of the Midwest, the people of Wicker Park don't hesitate before breaking a few rules.

Filter Coffee, self-proclaimed home of the "sluts, monkeys, and the best fresh-roasted coffee."

Nick bartends at The Flat Iron and Johnny is a pro skateboarder and DJ at Rodan.  "Just put that we are bartending, skateboarding DJs."

I like to call the stuff that's hidden out under the snow for months "After Winter Delight."

Guy on the left as I walked by, "Did you get me in your pic?!"

The End.

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